What are SaneReminder Addresses
When creating a SaneReminder by email you include a SaneReminder address as a recipient. This address tells SaneBox when to remind you/stop waiting on a response. You can also use the address to modify how that specific SaneReminder will work.
When Do You Want The Reminder
Here are the common ways of specifying a due date.
An interval of time
You may give a count and an interval of time (hours, days, minutes, weeks, months, years) – 5.hours@sanebox.com, 1.day@sanebox.com, 2.weeks@sanebox.com.
Day of the week
You may use the full word or a weekday abbreviation – sunday@sanebox.com or sun@sanebox.com. Your reminder will arrive early that day (by default 3am).
Relative time
These look like tomorrow@sanebox.com, next.week@sanebox.com (on Monday), next.month@sanebox.com (on today’s date, but next month).
You may use the full english month name or abbreviation – 5.april@sanebox.com or dec.25@sanebox.com.
A time of day
The next occurence of that time of day. If you use 5pm@sanebox.com at 10pm then you’ll be reminded tomorrow at 5pm; if you use 10.30pm@sanebox.com then you’ll get one in 30 minutes. SaneBox does support a 24 hour clock. 23.30@sanebox.com is the same as 11.30pm@sanebox.com. (Yes, we are respectful of people outside the USA).
You can add the time of day to a date or day of week, as in sunday.11.30pm@sanebox.com or monday.1pm@sanebox.com.
Need to add a week?
Include “+1.week”. For example, if you want to say one week from the upcoming Wednesday, use wed+1.week@sanebox.com.
Auto-Fill SaneReminder Addresses
To save you some typing, we made a list of common SaneReminders addresses you can add to your email client address book.
Follow these directions to add them to your email client.
Interval Shortcuts
SaneReminders recognizes the following shortcuts for intervals of time
- m = minutes
- h = hours
- d = days
- w = weeks
- mo = months
- y = years
So 6w@sanebox.com is equivalent to 6.weeks@sanebox.com