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Set up an Office 365 Shared Mailbox email address to be SaneBox ready

Sometimes you might have an extra email account that several co-workers all keep in their email software and handle as a team. On the other hand: a “Shared Mailbox” within Office 365 cloud email hosting (or on self-hosted Exchange servers) is a different and specially setup arrangement.

One big difference: An Office 365 Shared-mailbox email address does not usually have it’s own password. Shared Mailboxes are set up by your Office 365 admin person, and they don’t have a login password by default. The 365 email admin person for your organization “grants” access to multiple staffers (for say i.e. billing@.) Once set up - the Inbox and folders for the “Shared Mailbox” address then show for each granted user - as a branch on their email folder-tree.

So this is much different than a fully independent email account that’s just used by more than one person.

To make a Microsoft Office 365 (Exchange hosted) Shared-mailbox ready for SaneBox sign-up and processing, your Office 365 admin manager needs to initiate a password for the Shared-mailbox email address.

Steps: (Office 365 Admin Center) to activate a password for a Shared Mailbox:

Note the Display Name or email address for the 365 Shared-mailbox

From the Active Users list in your Office 365 Admin Center locate and select the Shared-mailbox.

Utilize the “Reset Password” button atop the user-name profile, to set and activate an initial password.

Note: wait 20 to 30 minutes for the Shared-mailbox email address and password combination to be ready for you to follow up and start using. You can then use the “Add Email” link on your SaneBox DashBoard to add the 365 hosted Shared-mailbox as an additional address on a SaneBox account for one of the main managers for that Shared-mailbox email address.

Tip: When adding an additional Office 365 hosted email address to your SaneBox account that already has a 365 hosted address on it, you will need to open your 365 Outlook on the Web account in a new tab of the same web browser and logout of that 1st 365 hosted address right after you start the “Add Email” process.

Then you’d go back to the browser tab with and continue with adding the additional address to your SaneBox account.

To avoid tedious timing of this step, when adding an additional address on the same email host as your other address already on SaneBox, just contact us via email or live-chat and ask for a link that will make this task easier.

Learn More About Microsoft Shared Mailboxes.