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How to Move all the Emails in One Folder to Another Folder with IOS Apple Mail

When you switch from POP3 to IMAP, it is very important that you do not delete your old POP account until you have moved over your emails. Remember that POP3 stores your emails on your local device. Deleting that account without doing a backup or moving them to the new account will cause your device to delete those emails.

iOS mail will not let you move all emails by default… but there is a way

  1. Go into POP Sent folder (in iOS Mail on the iPhone)
  2. Click edit (button on top right of the screen)
  3. Select first message
  4. Press and hold on move (button in bottom middle of screen)

While holding:

  1. Deselect first message with other finger/hand.
  2. Let go of hold
  3. Choose destination folder (Select the Sent folder in your new IMAP account)

*This will copy the emails from your iPhone to your IMAP server. *