Tired of unwanted emails cluttering your inbox? SaneBlackHole is here to help!
What it does:
File emails you don’t want: Drag unwanted emails to SaneBlackHole. They’ll be automatically deleted after 7 days.
Turning SaneBlackHole On/Off:
- Visit your SaneBox Dashboard and go to “Folders”.
- Use the slider to activate/deactivate “@SaneBlackHole”.
Training SaneBlackHole:
- Drag unwanted emails: Move them to SaneBlackHole in any email client.
- SaneBox Digest: Train emails directly from the Digest.
- Filters: Set up subject or domain filters to automatically send emails to SaneBlackHole.
Made a Mistake?
Email still in SaneBlackHole: Just move it to the correct Sane folder.
Email accidentally deleted:
- Go to your SaneBlackHole Trainings page
- Search for the email and remove the training.
- Rescue any emails sent to Trash.
Bulk removal: Quickly untrain multiple contacts by visiting your Dashboard or selecting “bulk remove” on the Trainings page.
Important Notes:
- In rare cases, emails less than 7 days old might be deleted if you exceed 5,000 total emails in Sane folders.
- SaneBlackHole isn’t for Spam: Use it for unwanted emails from legitimate senders. Spammers often change their emails, so training won’t work.
New Unsubscribe Setting
Say goodbye to email clutter! Start using SaneBlackHole today!