Focus on What Matters with @SaneCC
SaneBox helps you prioritize emails, and @SaneCC is a powerful tool to achieve that.
What is @SaneCC?
It’s a folder that automatically collects emails where you’re CC’d, not in the “To” field. These are often informational emails (“FYI”) that don’t require immediate action.
Benefits of @SaneCC:
- Focus on Actionable Emails: Keep your inbox clear of informational emails and prioritize tasks.
- Review “FYI” Emails Efficiently: Catch up on @SaneCC emails in bulk when you have time.
Making Exceptions:
- Important CC’d Emails: If an email (e.g., from your boss) is crucial even when CC’d, move it to your inbox. Future emails from that sender will go directly to your inbox.
SaneCC and Aliases
- You’ll only see emails from an alias of yours if you send the email from an account tied to your SaneBox account. At this time, if you send an email from an alias not signed up for SaneBox, it will land and stay in your Inbox.
Managing @SaneCC:
- Training List: Mark senders as “Inbox-worthy” from your SaneBox Dashboard.
- Email Actions: Move emails out of @SaneCC in your email app to remove them from the folder (and potentially adjust future routing).
Additional Notes:
- @SaneCC only includes CC’d emails, not BCC’d.
- It prioritizes Subject Filters (if set).
- Training a CC’d email to a new folder trains both the sender and their CC’d recipients.
To view our other Sane folders, go here.
If you have any questions, please reach out to us