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Subject Filters

Organize Your Emails by Subject Line with SaneBox

SaneBox Subject Line filters help you automatically sort emails based on keywords in their subject lines. This keeps your Inbox clutter-free and important messages easily accessible.

Accessing Subject Line Filters:

  1. Go to Settings from the Menu on your SaneBox website.
  2. Under Trainings & Filters, select Subject Filters.

Creating a Subject Line Filter:

  1. Choose how the subject line matches your keyword/phrase: “Begins With,” “Contains,” or “Ends With.”
  2. Type the exact keyword/phrase (case-insensitive).
  3. Select the destination Sane folder for filtered emails.
  4. Override existing trainings (optional): Check this box if you want this filter to take priority over others.
    • Important: If emails in this filter shouldn’t receive replies in your Inbox, check the “Replies” box.
  5. Ignore “RE:” and “FWD:” prefixes (optional): Check this box to filter emails with those prefixes (default is on).

Advanced Features:

  • Wildcards: Use 5 underscores (“_____”) between keywords.
    • Example: Filter all delivery updates except shipping notifications: “ _____ shipping” (limited to 1 wildcard per filter).
  • Bounced Emails: Subject filters won’t work for them. We recommend keeping those in your Inbox for troubleshooting.

Need More Complex Filtering?

Contact SaneBox support here for assistance with creating a custom filter.

Additional Notes:

  • You can see and remove all your existing subject filters.
  • Keyword/phrase matching is case-insensitive.
  • Subject filters override domain filters and SaneCC rules.
  • New and existing emails matching the filter criteria might be moved after creation.

Take control of your Inbox with SaneBox Subject Line filtering!