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Do you fear missing important emails?

Never Miss an Important Email with SaneBox!

We understand the worry that comes with letting go of emails. Here at SaneBox, we’ve got several features to ensure you never miss something crucial:

1. Daily Digest:

By default, you’ll receive a daily digest (between 2 PM - 5 PM) summarizing all your new, unread unimportant emails in SaneLater or other Sane folders. This quick overview helps you identify anything essential you might have missed.

2. Customizable Digest Frequency (For the Worriers):

Feeling extra cautious? SaneBox lets you adjust the digest frequency to as often as every 1-4 hours (as long as you have new unread emails). New digests replace existing unread ones in your inbox and include everything new in SaneLater and other Sane folders.

3. Address-Specific Training:

Do you receive important emails from specific senders (like We can train SaneBox to always keep emails sent to a particular address in your Inbox.

Remember, your Inbox should hold emails requiring immediate attention, while SaneLater serves as a holding ground for emails that can wait.

4. Unknown Contact Handling:

Frequently receive important emails from new contacts (like website forms or sales leads)? SaneBox can be configured to keep emails from unknown contacts in your Inbox instead of SaneLater. Learn how to do this here.

5. Powerful Filtering Options:

From your dashboard or even directly within the digest, you can set up filters based on email subjects or domains. This ensures emails from specific senders or containing certain keywords are directed to the appropriate Sane folder.

Time Restrictions on Hourly Digests:

Please note that hourly digests will only be delivered between 8 AM and 8 PM.

Getting Things Done (GTD) Inspired:

SaneBox is built on the principles of GTD, a popular work-life management system focused on staying focused on what matters most. To use SaneBox effectively, ensure you only promote (train) emails that truly deserve to be in your Inbox.

Bonus Tip for Apple Mail Users:

Learn how to create a Smart Mailbox that displays all your unread emails in one convenient location. This can be a great way to quickly scan for important emails: [Link to Apple Mail Smart Mailbox creation guide]

With these features, SaneBox empowers you to stay on top of what matters while keeping your inbox clutter-free.